I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to my brand-spanking-new blog. I've been keeping another blog for some time now but felt like starting something new. My other blog (queue shameless advertising: miasmisadventures.wordpress.com) is on travel and so, because I have neither the time nor the money to be constantly jetting off to far flung places (despite my best efforts) there are often times when I have nothing to write about at all. So I have decided that a new blog is in order. One that I can enjoy writing without waiting for my next holiday and pay cheque!
Apart from travelling, two of my main passions in life are children’s literature and food. As an aspiring children’s writer I spend many an hour with my head in some children’s book or other attempting to immerse myself in worlds full of magic, fantasy, adventure and pure down-right silliness. And when my head is not stuck in a book I’ll usually be found either making food, talking about food, shovelling food into my mouth or staring into space, drooling slightly as I think about food. The point being, I love food... or rather, I love eating food. It seemed common sense therefore that my new blog should be about either children’s literature or food. Or, even better, children’s literature AND food.
This blog will take the form, partly, of a memoir. I will be looking back at some of my favourite children’s books, both fiction and non-fiction, and looking at the descriptions of food that stuck in my mind, shaping the foodie that I have become today. As well as writing I also love reading and so as I post up blogs please do leave me messages in the comments section as I love to hear about other people’s thoughts and experiences too, rather than just rattling on about myself. Right, all this talk of food has made my hungry and so I must sign off for now and go and rummage through the kitchen cupboards.
More posts will be coming your way very soon so keep an eye out!
Mia x
Hi there! I actually follow your travel blog which I adore so I thought I would check out this one too! It's so different from your other blog but still really great. It's got me thinking about all my old childhood books and the food I used to love as a child like liquorice allsorts! I'm looking forward to read what else you have to write! Sandy x
ReplyDeleteHi Sandy,
DeleteThank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy by blogs. It's always encouraging to hear that someone approves of what you are doing, it makes spending the effort writing feel very much worth while. I hope you find my future blogs entertaining!
Kind regards,
Mia x